It's February in the conference calendar which means off to Dublin for the annual ELT Ireland conference. Ben and I have the opportunity to meet up in person for all things TDCI-related; AND we get to head off to Griffith College to spend the weekend with ELT colleagues from around the island of Ireland - and beyond.
This is an ideal conference from which to launch our new website feature - the TDCI Blog! Maybe a little late to the bloggers party, there are so many great conference bloggers 'out there' who have been sharing their highlights both live, in-situ and retrospectively for years. In the spirit of reflexive practice, Ben and I are going to follow suit - reflecting on what we see, hear and learn at conferences we attend, and channeling back to fellow TDCI students (past, present, future) and anyone else interested in following us on our adventures.
We'll aim to follow the K.I.S.S. principle and keep our musing short and simple. Most importantly, we'll aim to reflect critically on what we can take away from the talks we attend and plough what we learn back into what we develop here on The Distance Cert IBET programme.
Watch this space - and feel free to comment with your own thoughts and reflections.