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Assessment on any Cert IBET course is through one 3,000 to 4,000 word assignment.


Assignment titles focus on the development and evaluation of practical business English training skills.


All assignments are moderated by LanguageCert. Course validation and administration is carried out by English UK.


The assignment must be submitted within 12 weeks of you completing the course units.


Your assignment will be marked by one of our trainers. You will be given one of the following grades alongside trainer feedback:

- Refer (more work is needed or changes are necessary)

- Pass (the assignment meets the required standards)

- Distinction (the assignment exceeds the required standards)


Assignments are sent to LanguageCert for moderation once they receive a "pass" or "distinction".


In the event that you receive a "refer", you will receive feedback and will have two chances to resubmit to us.



© 2024 The Distance Cert IBET operated by Distance Cert Ltd., UK.

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