On Saturday 26th August, Ben and Michelle were joined by a group of BE teachers and trainers online, for one of BESIG's renowned weekend workshops. The theme for the afternoon as Critical Success Factors for Business English Trainers.

We talked through 5 points that we believe are important to think about when aspiring to be the best BE trainer you can be - and that means more than being a good trainer! Ben developed a handy model: The 5 Cs of CSFs Model!

As a case study example, we talked about how the Distance Cert IBET programme that we run fulfills the 5 criteria:
The key features of a Cert IBET course are:
•A recognised certification
•Accredited by English UK and LanguageCert
•All the fundamentals that a Business English trainer needs
•Development of new knowledge and skills
•Currently the only accredited certification programme available
•Great understanding of processes such as needs analysis and evaluation
•Opportunity to design your own material
•Tutorial support
•Objective assessment from moderator
A lot of the people who joined in for the webinar were highly experienced fellow BE professionals with whom we were able to share stories and views. It was encouraging to have much of what we practice at TDCI affirmed by our peers.
If you weren't able to attend, feel free to download a handout from the session (with a link to the Jamboard we used in break out chats). If you are a current IATEFL BESIG member, you can watch the recording in the Members' area of the BESIG website. If you're not a member, consider joining - you'll be able to view not only our weekend webinar recording but a multitude of others.